• Forum Dialogu

    Odbudowujemy więzi

  • Forum Dialogu

    Odbudowujemy więzi

  • Forum Dialogu

    Odbudowujemy więzi

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Forum for Dialogue’s study trip to Poland program has started again for this year. This time we hosted the second ever Israeli group. The seven-strong group included social and cultural activists, an architect, an educator and a journalist. They participated in an intense trip during which they visited Warsaw, Siedlce, Łódź, Kraków and Museum and Memorial Auschwitz-Birkenau. They spoke with academics, intellectuals and diplomats, including a particularly thorough and informative meeting with Anna Azari, Ambassador of Israel to Poland. They were also invited to a Home Hospitality Evening with the Alumni of the Polish-Jewish Exchange Program. In Łódź they visited The Marek Edelman Dialogue Center and some of the magnificent sites which are the testimony of the city’s rich Jewish history.

During an especially memorable day in Siedlce our guests met with students and teachers who have participated in the School of Dialogue Program. The students showed our guests around the town’s Jewish sites and shared with them their knowledge and impressions from the program.

The project is co-financed from the funds granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the competition for the public task “Cooperation with Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad in 2015.”