During this study trip our guests participated in meetings with representatives of the diplomatic world, scholars, politicians and leaders of the Polish-Jewish community. They also visited places connected with the history of Polish Jews.
“The trip has totally changed and challenged my perspective on Poland.(…) I leave with an appreciation for the country and its people. Poland has endured a turbulent past but is recovering beautifully and trying to change. The Forum is a huge part of this positive change. (…) The hope is in the future of the children via education. Forum for Dialogue is a huge contribution in this endeavor.”, said one of the participants David Kurtz, TV/film composer and screenwriter from New York City.
Highlights of the visit included taking part in the Jan Karski Centennial Conference “Memory and Responsibility”, organised by Fundacja Edukacyjna Jana Karskiego. However meeting with the students from Radom, participants of the School of Dialogue educational program had a great impact on participants. High schoolers toured them through Radom and showed them places connected with Jewish heritage and history of their city.
“I felt heartened by the work of the Forum and what it seeks to achieve in bringing back to Polish memory an almost forgotten history via schoolchildren. This work is very valuable in both achieving a practical aim of ensuring that history is properly remembered and tolerance developed.”, said Henry Pinskier, businessman and activist from Melbourne, for many years one of the leaders of the Labour Party in Australia.
The project is co-financed from the funds granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the competition for the public task “Cooperation with Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad in 2014.”