• Forum Dialogu

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During their study visit to Poland guests from Tel Aviv, including the city authorities of Tel Aviv, journalists, film makers and activists participated in meetings with representatives of the academic world, thinkers and leaders of the Polish-Jewish community. They also visited places and institutions associated with Polish-Jewish history. Highlights of the trip included meeting with Konstanty Gebert, journalist, activist, and founder of “Midrasz”, lunch with Maciej Kozłowski, former Polish Ambassador to Israel, dinner with Prof. Zdzislaw Mach, Head of the Center for European Studies, Jagiellonian University and a meeting with Narcyz Listkowski, a local activist working for the preservation of Jewish heritage in Rabka. Participants were very touched by the way they were treated by Narcyz Listkowski, who invited them to his home and showed them stairs to a former synagogue, he and his friends had uncovered and cleared on their own. Our guests were most pleased as well to interact with local high school students, participants of Forum’s School of Dialogue educational program in Nowy Targ. Inspite of rain and fog on the day and the fact that they were still having their summer holidays, the students showed the city’s Jewish sites to the Israeli group.

The project is co-financed from the funds granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the competition for the public task “Cooperation with Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad in 2014.”