• Forum Dialogu

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Last Saturday, the Forum for Dialogue invited Polish alumni of its Polish-Jewish Exchange Program to visit a middle school in Błonie – the receiver of the first prize during the 2013 School of Dialogue Gala. After a workshop session giving the participants time to get to know each other, and after a short presentation of the commemoration project prepared by the students, the invited guests took part in an urban game based on the history of the local Jewish community. Despite unfavorable weather, the attendees were under great impression of students’ work and involvement.

The visit to the School of Dialogue was organized as a part of an annual meeting of the Polish alumni of the exchange program, which had been in operation since 1996 as a joint venture of the Forum for Dialogue and the American Jewish Committee. In the afternoon the participants of the meeting listened to the presentation on the Forum’s achievements and had a chance to talk to Chairman of the Friends of the Forum, Michael Rosenbaum.