• Forum Dialogu

    Odbudowujemy więzi

  • Forum Dialogu

    Odbudowujemy więzi

  • Forum Dialogu

    Odbudowujemy więzi

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We finished a study trip for lecturers, journalists, representatives of the media and social activists from Israel. During a week-long stay in Poland the participants visited Warsaw, Kraków and Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum and Memorial. They met a Leader of Dialogue Ms. Barbara Tkacz from Radoszyce and the alumni of Forum’s educational program the School of Dialogue in Krasnosielc. The students took our guests on a walking tour around Jewish sites of the town. The participants had a chance to listen to the Ambassador of Israel to Poland Ms. Anna Azari, Program Director of the Core Exhibition of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN Professor Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, as well as other academics and representatives of the Jewish community. At the end of the trip the participants shared with us that this trip has made them rethink almost everything they had known about Poland, that it totally changed their perceptions and opinions about Poland and deepened their understanding of the common Polish-Jewish history. We are happy the trip was successful and we hope to stay in touch and do more together in the future!