• Forum for Dialogue

    Inspiring New Connections

Forum for Dialogue is dedicated to inspiring new connections between contemporary Poland and the Jewish people.

Forum recognizes that the traces of ties that were ruptured in World War Two remain in memories and family stories, but also in misunderstandings and prejudices harbored. Our work in Poland focuses on raising awareness of the histories of Jews in Poland, including the way these histories were conveyed to descendants of Polish Jews. We show different perspectives on shared historical events. Internationally, we facilitate the formation of bonds between Jews and the country of their ancestors. We build people-to-people trust. We confront difficult questions. We connect people and their histories.
We work with thought leaders, activists, teachers and students from Poland and from abroad. Together we hope to write a new chapter in Polish/Jewish history.

fot. M.Halaczek

I feel that I now belong to Poland, that I established my relationship with a country that is a part of me and my childhood.

Rabbi Shoshana Boyd Gelfand, London

Forum for Dialogue foundation has worked in the field of Polish/Jewish dialogue since 1998.
From the outset, Forum has been providing space for Poles and Jews to meet and to get to know one another despite historical divisions. Forum is the largest and oldest Polish non-governmental organization involved in Polish-Jewish dialogue. We focus on working with young people and public opinion leaders.
The foundation was established in Gliwice as Forum for Dialogue Among Nations (Forum Dialogu Między Narodami). Forum’s local activism led to unveiling of a plaque commemorating the city’s Jewish residents and a meeting between their descendants with present-day Gliwice residents in 2003.
In that same year, the foundation moved to Warsaw. We began as a local organization in Gliwice; today we work nationwide towards creating and empowering the community of activists involved in caring for local Jewish heritage.

We cooperate with local community leaders and at the same time educate students in almost 50 schools all over Poland each year. Our educational project School of Dialogue attracts ca.1,200 participating students annually.

We act both locally and globally.
Through our study tours, we have built a network of people both in Poland as well as among Jewish communities of the United States, Israel, Canada and Australia; these individuals understand our mission and wish to have their share in it. Forum for Dialogue is also the long-standing partnerships with other organizations dealing in Jewish matters (American Jewish Committee) or education (Facing History and Ourselves). We have been working towards building Polish-Jewish dialogue for almost twenty years and we intend to grow and continue our mission!
