• Forum Dialogu

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Last Friday, Forum for Dialogue had the privilege of opening its second Leaders of Dialogue Conference in the halls of the Polish Senate. Dedicated to the memory of Sherry Levy-Reiner, one of the most loyal and involved of Forum’s friends, the conference convened many Polish leaders, who avidly and independently work to commemorate pre-war Jewish communities in towns across Poland.

The Leaders of Dialogue conference opening night featured a number of speakers who offered both personal stories and praise for the work of the activists and educators attending. Jan Wyrowiński, the Senate speaker began the evening, followed by the deputy ombudsman Ryszard Czerniawski, and Shmuel Afek, a teacher from the United States who participated in a Forum for Dialogue study trip to Poland in conjunction with the non-profit, Facing History and Ourselves.

The approximately 30 participants of the Leaders of Dialogue Conference included teachers, government authorities, local historians, archivists, and representatives from cultural institutions and memorial sites. Throughout the two days, participants exchanged their experiences, learned practical skills (e.g. crowdfunding), and planned their next steps. Guests of the Forum also attended a number of lectures connected to Polish-Jewish relations. The Director of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research, Barbara Engelking, spoke about dealing with Holocaust issues specific to Poland, and Rabbis Fred and David Reiner discussed the modern celebration of Shabbat and the differences across Jewish tradition. Additionally, Irene Pletka, an American philanthropist of Polish-Jewish descent, conveyed the challenges and hopes in rebuilding Polish-Jewish relationships, and Michal Bilewicz, vice-president of Forum and Director of the Center for Research on Prejudice of the University of Warsaw, explained how to combat anti-Semitism. On Saturday evening, the Leaders of Dialogue celebrated Havdalah, the ceremony marking the end of Shabbat, at Jewish Community Center in Warsaw.