• What’s New

    at Forum for Dialogue?

George Elbaum, a Warsaw-born Holocaust Survivor and the author of “Neither Yesterdays, Nor Tomorrows. Vignettes from the Holocaust” was a special guest during the 2017 School of Dialogue Gala, where he delivered a powerful speech before an audience of over 1,200 people, including School of Dialogue students, their teachers, representatives of local government, as well as Forum friends and allies, journalists, artists, politicians and diplomats. After the Gala he traveled to Legionowo, Żyrardów and Mińsk Mazowiecki to meet with students. Young audiences were very moved and a lively Q&A sessions followed afterwards.  Students in all three towns lined up to have their copy of the book signed. George Elbaum ended his visit to Poland with meeting with Forum for Dialogue’s office staff and School of Dialogue educators team.

photos: D.Kawka, W.Dobrogojski, M.Usiekniewicz, M.Jensen, M.Piekarska