We’ve kicked off the first online version of the School of Dialogue program with 20 schools from all cross Poland who will begin working on their projects soon. Given the unique situation we’re keeping the application process open for schools which so far have not yet had an opportunity to join our program. More on how to apply HERE (Polish only).
Due to social distancing and lockdown measures introduced in Poland, Forum educators and the students will join the workshops from their homes. Our educators have had ample training for the remote teaching setting and are confident that this new method will yield great results!
The online School of Dialogue program includes four Zoom meetings with Forum educators, the aim of which is to introduce students to basics of Jewish history and culture in Poland, the fate of Jews during the Holocaust, and the diversity of Jewish life today. The students are also invited to consider issues of social identity, stereotypes, and membership in social groups. The educators also provide students with methods of project work and design the project schedule together, which they will follow under the supportive eye of their teacher. The students are expected to engage in independent research of the history of their local Jewish community, the result of which will be a virtual walking tour of the Jewish sites of their towns advertised to the general public.
Depending on the state of the pandemic, students may plan additional activities addressed to a wider public, including a walking tour of the town, or an exhibition of archival photographs discovered when researching the town’s Jewish past.
We can’t wait to be wowed and surprised with the student projects this year!