Szczekocin Jewish Culture Festival – organized since 2008, this annual festival played a significant role in introducing residents to Jewish culture and history of Szczekociny’s Jews as well as to commemorate the local Jewish community. The festival is co-organized by Szczekociny’s School Complex and Organization of Jewish Szczekociners. Co-organizers include ReBorn Roots organization, Szczekociny Municipality, and Szczekociny Community and Sports Center. I am one of the organizers and coordinators. Each year, the festival program consists of three permanent components. The first component consists of a ceremony at the old Jewish ceremony in the course of which participants and festival guests pray together for the murdered Jewish residents of Szczekociny. Chief rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich or one of the descendants of Szczekociny’s Jewish residents says the Kaddish. During these ceremonies, commemorative plaques at the cemetery and on the former synagogue building had been unveiled, as well as a monument to the memory of Szczekociny’s Jews. Additionally, for the past few years, art projects have been implemented at the Jewish cemetery.
Mirosław Skrzypczyk