Krzysztof Przybyłowicz


Krzysztof Przybyłowicz - Leader of Dialogue in Biecz

The Information Centre on the Former Jewish Community in Biecz (CIDGIB), also called the Centre, is an organization which conducts its activities focusing on the promotion of the private or public good. It is not guided by the desire to make a profit. The Centre is located in a building located in Libusza, Gorlice district, at 760 Libusza Street. The area of the Centre’s activity includes the Biecz commune. The Centre does not have a budget, it has no authorities, it does not operate on the principles of association, and it does not conduct business activities. The main goal of the Information Center for the Former Jewish Community in Biecz is to protect the memory of the murdered inhabitants of Biecz and to raise awareness about their lives and accomplishments. The Center also supports popularization of Jewish history and culture, as well as its relations with the history and culture of Biecz. The Centre is active in the field of:

  • collection of historical memorabilia connected with the history of Biecz Jews, in particular: personal documents, photographs, letters, souvenirs related to the Jewish culture of Biecz,
  • development, publication and dissemination of publications within its field of activity,
  • maintaining archival records,
  • collecting books for a small Jewish library,
  • keeping contacts with the descendants of the Biecz Jews.