Krzysztof Przybyłowicz


Krzysztof Przybyłowicz - Leader of Dialogue in Biecz

For many years now, Ira Goets, a Survivor living In New York, has visited Biecz. Thanks to his contacts, it was possible to invite many descendants of Biecz Jews to the town. The most numerous group were Jews who came in 2017 for the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the annihilation of the Biecz ghetto; there was also a large group that came in 2015 for an exhibition in the museum and promotion of the book Jews of Biecz. History and the Holocaust. These were representatives of the following families: Applbaum, Goetz, Hellman, Josefsthal, Klotz, Kurz, Miller, Neumann, Nussbaum, Singer, Ungar, Wolman and others. They came from France, Israel, Mexico, Uruguay, USA. During the meetings, Jews are guided around the former shtetl, are given genealogical advice, organize visits to nearby towns and villages, obtain additional information about the post-war fate of their parents, and help with current issues.