• Liderzy Dialogu

    Wspólnota w działaniu

News 2022

On October 24, 2021, as part of the “Remembrance of the Jews in Siedliszcze” project co-financed by a grant from the Forum for Dialogue, a monument dedicated to the memory of the local Jewish community was unveiled. The ceremony, organized by Agata Radkowska-Parka, a member of the Leaders of Dialogue network, was attended by descendants of Jews from Siedliszcze, the town’s inhabitants and authorities, and representatives of clergy. Take a look at a short film documenting the event [English version available].

The Leaders of Dialogue program, including grants and scholarships, is financed thanks to the generosity of Friends of the Forum, Ledor Wador Foundation, and individual donors and institutions from Poland and abroad supporting Forum for Dialogue.