Mariusz Sokołowski


Mariusz Sokołowski - Leader of Dialogue in Wasilków

Since 2006, together with young people, we have been caring for the Jewish cemetery in Wasilków, or rather – for what remains of this 19th century necropolis. There are ca. 25 matzevot left at the Jewish Cemetery to-date. In 2007 we prepared the setting for the opening ceremony of the lapidarium, which consists of fragments of headstones found during reconstruction works on local roads. We are trying to promote the knowledge about the cemetery’s existence.

For example, the site was the last stop we visited in the course of the walking tour we organized for School of Dialogue program. In 2013, we shot parts of our film entitled “Memory”, which talks about Polish-Jewish past of Wasilków, at the cemetery. Unfortunately, also in 2013, we had to remove over 10 swastikas, which appeared on poles symbolizing the fence of the cemetery.