• Leaders of Dialogue

    A Community of Changemakers

News 2022

In 2021, Mariusz Czuj, an activist and member of the Leaders of Dialogue network, together with the Włodawa-Sobibór Gates of Memory Association, organized the “Włodawa-Sobibór: Site of Commemoration and Education” Project thanks to the financial support of the Forum for Dialogue. As part of the project, three educational visits were organized to the Museum – Synagogue Complex in Włodawa and the Museum and Memorial Site in Sobibór. The visits were attended by almost 150 students from Włodawa schools, including National Educational Commission Primary School no 2, General Kleeberg Primary School no 3, the Vocational School Complex no 1, and Adam Frycz Modrzewski High School no 2. Students were accompanied by school principals and museum staff. The tours were enriched with lessons conducted by museum educators on the emergence and settlement of the Jewish community in Włodawa, the history of both world wars, the fate of Jews from the Włodawa ghetto from 1939 to 1943, and the history of the establishment of the Nazi extermination camp in Sobibór, with its topography, the specifics of functioning and liquidation. The Association plans to continue the project with regular educational activities for schools in the Włodawa area, including visits to the two museums mentioned above.

photo: Mariusz Dyduch

The Leaders of Dialogue program, including grants and scholarships, is financed thanks to the generosity of Friends of the Forum, Ledor Wador Foundation, and individual donors and institutions from Poland and abroad supporting Forum for Dialogue.