• Leaders of Dialogue

    A Community of Changemakers

News 2021

Each year, Forum for Dialogue awards grants and personal development scholarships to members of the Leaders of Dialogue network. These funds help these activist run important projects, such as commemoration events, educational activities, or permanent commemorations in the form of statues or plaques. You may read more about the projects completed in previous years on our website.

This year’s grant competition welcomes applications for projects aiming to commemorate and educate about local Jewish heritage, as well as those envisioned to develop skills and obtaining tools needed for project implementation. Projects which include Survivors and their descendants from a given town, address local community, and are related to the 80th anniversary of the Reinhardt action will have priority during the selection process. To read more about the Forum’s funding opportunities for Leaders visit our website.

For those planning to apply Forum organizes online workshops on effective strategies for obtaining funds. The first such meeting took place at the end of October, and this weekend we are running the second one.

During the workshop the members of the Leader of Dialogue network will develop their project ideas and learn how to translate concepts into application form language under the expert supervision and guidance of experienced educators Maria Klaman and Anna Warwas. Workshop participants will have an opportunity to learn about project logic and how to use those principles to describe their own project.

Recipients of last year’s grants will attend the workshops and share their experience with working on the application form and later implementation of the project., This will serve as an opportunity to not only discuss the challenges of such projects, but also to offer support and motivation. In October, Agata Radkowska-Parka talked about her project in Siedliszcze, and this weekend, Katarzyna Łaziuk will discuss her work in Mińsk Mazowiecki.

The Leaders of Dialogue program, including grants and scholarships, is financed thanks to the generosity of Friends of the Forum, Ledor Wador Foundation, and individual donors and institutions from Poland and abroad supporting Forum for Dialogue.