Teresa Jabłońska


Grants and scholarships for Leaders of Dialogue

This is a continuation of a project Teresa Jabłońska began in 2021, and involves introducing students from Września schools to the rich Jewish history and heritage of the region. The students will get to participate in a lesson on Jewish culture, followed by an interactive walking tour of the history of Jews in Września, involving solving riddles and tasks on the basis of materials prepared, and finally end with a visit to the Regional Museum to see the collection of Judaica is on display there.

Older students will also have an opportunity to take part in classes on the Holocaust in preparation for the study visits to three memorial sites, the Martyrological Museums in Poznań and Żabików, as well as the Museum of the Former German Kulmhof Death Camp in Chełmno on Ner. The lessons and study tours to the memorial sites aim to show students how prejudice is formed, and encourage an attitude of tolerance and openness.

In 2023, the Leaders of Dialogue program, including grants and scholarships, is financed thanks to the generosity of Friends of the Forum, LEDOR WADOR Foundation, United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad and individual donors and institutions from Poland and abroad supporting Forum for Dialogue. Scholarships for personal development are possible thanks to The David and Anna Dlugie Kliger Scholarship Fund.