Katarzyna Winiarska

A grant recipient in 2019

Grants and scholarships for Leaders of Dialogue

Commemorating the Jewish community of Bialowieza”

The project is another initiative of Katarzyna Winiarska, who for several years has been trying to incorporate the history of the Jewish community into the social memory of the present inhabitants of Białowieża. The grant will help in commemoration of the Bialowieza Jews in the form of signs, a memorial erected at the site where Jews were executed during World War II, and a plaque put on the main street in Bialowieza with information about the history of the Jewish community. The unveiling of the memorial and plaque will be held during the commemoration of the 78th anniversary of the deportation and execution of Jews, a meeting of Białowieża inhabitants with the descendants of Białowieża Jews will also take place.

The visit of Jews from Białowieża to the town provides a platform for building bonds between individuals coming from Białowieża – descendants of the Jews and the present inhabitants of the town, as well as bonds between the inhabitants of Białowieża and the history and identity of their place of residence.


Project co-financed by the Ledor Wador Foundation.