Elżbieta Polończyk-Moskal has lived in Dobczyce since her birth. She spent many years working as an art teacher and librarian at the Dobczyce Elementary School. Currently retired, she is engaged in social activities and pursuing her interests. She is a keen researcher of the history of her hometown and its former residents. She is active in the Social Committee for the Care of the Monuments of Dobczyce. She has translated her interest in Dobczyce’s past, its Jewish culture, art and literature, as well as her family’s values, into a book on the Jewish residents of Dobczyce, entitled Świece zgasiła wojna. Historia społeczności żydowskiej w Dobczycach (Candles Extinguished by War: The History of the Jewish Community in Dobczyce). Elzbieta holds memory walks in the footsteps of Dobczyce Jews and strives to preserve the ruins of the former mikvah and create a memorial site there. The overarching goal of her activities is to uphold the memory of the local Jewish community. She maintains contacts with the descendants of Dobczyce Jews. She is also involved in genealogy, icon writing and calligraphy. Her passion is hiking along mountain trails and the camino routes in Spain.
Elżbieta Polończyk-Moskal