Since 2005, Emil Majuk has worked at the Grodzka Gate – NN Theater Center in Lublin, where he manages initiatives related to cultural heritage interpretation as well as online projects. The most important among the latter, Shtetl Routes, is a program that helps develop cultural tourism in former shtetls in the Polish-Belarusian-Ukrainian borderland. Emil is also the president of the Panorama of Cultures Association, founded 20 years ago to popularize the cultural landscape of Central and Eastern Europe and conduct activities to this aim in Wojsławice (Chełm district). He curated a permanent exhibition on the local multicultural history at the Chamber of Traditions of Wojsławice Land in the former synagogue building. He lives in Bychawa near Lublin, which hosts a former synagogue building with beautiful frescoes. He would love to help revitalize this unique piece of architecture, too.
Emil Majuk
Lublin, Wojsławice