A Germanist by education, Michał Szaflarski works in the media sector. Since 2016, he has been running campaigns to clean up the Jewish cemetery in Czarny Dunajec and restore the memory of the Jewish community in the region. In 2020, he joined the “People, Not Numbers” project led by Dariusz Popiela, which included erecting a monument to the victims of the Holocaust from Czarny Dunajec and the surrounding area at the Jewish cemetery. In the course of the project, Michał recounted the stories of the local Jewish families and established contacts with descendants of Czarny Dunajec Jews. Actively working for Polish-Jewish dialogue, he has been in contact with representatives of the Matte Asher community in Israel, establishing a partnership between Matte Asher and Czarny Dunajec and organizing regular visits by Israeli youth since 2022. He is also the co-organizer of the commemoration ceremony held on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the Jewish community in Czarny Dunajec.
Michał Szaflarski
Czarny Dunajec