Piotr Wojciech Haszczyn was born in 1967 in Ruszelczyce, Przemyśl district. A trained physical education teacher, since 1989 he has taught physical education at the Babice Elementary School. Passionate about researching the history of Krzywcza and surrounding towns, he is the author of the monographs Zarys dziejów Szkoły Podstawowej w Babicach 1875-1997 (An outline of the history of the Babice Elementary School 1875-1997; 1997) and Zarys dziejów parafii w Krzywczy 1398-1998 (An Outline of the History of the Parish in Krzywcza 1398-1998; 1998). Piotr is an author of historical articles on the localities of the Krzywcza municipality published in the press and online at www.krzywcza.eu and www.spbabice.edu.pl. Since 1994, he has covered the tri-cultural history of Krzywcza, collecting photos, documents, and memories in a private archive. He consistently documents the changing character of the surrounding historic sites and landscapes in his photographs. Piotr’s digital archive includes around one million photographs. Records of dozens of his initiatives are kept online at www.krzywcza.eu i www.facebook.com/krzywcza.
Piotr Haszczyn