An artist and moviemaker by education. He lives in Poznań and Zbąszyń. Wojciech Olejniczak is the founder of the TRES foundation. He is involved in photography, graphic design and cultural animation. The historical projects prepared by him always contain a multilayer manifestation through various media such as movies, exhibitions and books. He is engaged in informal education, as he is conducting courses, workshops, lectures (based on the educational advances of Janusz Korczak). Thanks to him, the Jewish families residing in Zbąszyń before WW2 have been commemorated with 11 “Memorial Stones”. He helps local culture animators understand the dialogue with the past. Since 2020, he has been running a place for meetings and exhibitions in the specially adapted rooms of the Old Railway Station in Zbąszyń and trying to find universal themes in the local history.
Wojciech Olejniczak
Zbąszyń, Poznań