Dorota Budzińska

Dąbrowa Białostocka

Dorota Budzińska – Leader of Dialogue in Dąbrowa Białostocka

Taking into account the reluctance of some of the local community to retrace Dąbrowa’s Jewish past, I decided to organize a large-scale event for which I invited Mr. Józef Krzywicki, son of two Righteous Among the Nations – Anna Krzywicka and Stanisław Krzywicki. As a small boy, Mr.Krzywicki helped his parents hide the Trachtenberg family hailing from Grodno. He talked about the past in an engaging way.

I prepared the meeting together with my students, among them the great-grandson of the two Righteous, which made substantial impact on and set the floor for discussion on the different attitudes, the risks and how much are we able to stand up and sacrifice for others. I have always appreciated the role of the media in activism, which is why I also invited local TV hosts and local media as well as municipal and regional authorities to the event.