Jakub Niewiński

Murowana Goślina

This was a Polish-Israeli project, with the first part held in Poland and the second part in Israel. Implementing this project in Murowana Goślina allowed me to remind the old-age residents of the town about its past. In order to do that, we documented in digital form the history of the Markowicz family – the Goślin Jews who lived in our town for two generations and actively participated in social, cultural and political life (town council members, shopkeepers, chairman of organizations) of Murowana Goślina. We contacted the descendants of this family via Skype – we organized a video conference during which Yair of Haifa told us the story of his great-great-grandfather, who was involved in trade in Murowana Goślina. I managed to involve students from two junior high schools, parents and grandparents in the project. The young people started working with each other, as they realized there were no differences between them. The second important change concerns the elderly community of Murowana Goślina – the local community showed interest in the past of their town. The project started a public discussion on the multiculturalism of Murowana Goślina. The town inhabitants opened up to share with us their recollections of the Jewish community.