Mariusz Sokołowski


Mariusz Sokołowski - Leader of Dialogue in Wasilków

To me, teaching about Polish-Jewish history is an important element of my personal philosophy on educating young people. I feel that it is my duty as a teacher to create the right conditions for my students to learn about their local history, including all its multicultural aspects. This is why I am constantly looking for new ideas on how to incentivize young people to contribute to the process of creating our town’s historical narrative.

Photography, film, questing, performance – these are just a few methods that I use when working with my students. We are also trying to create local coalitions for protecting and promoting Jewish legacy. “Podlasie Multi-Coalition” is one such example. As part of this project, we tried to protect the Jewish cemetery in Tykocin against grazing cows on its territory; we also preserve the memory of children who died in the course of transports to the extermination camps.