
Reconnecting Ties

Visit of Jewish Museum of Australia delegation

June 2016

On June 29, 2016 a group from Jewish Museum of Australia visited participants of a School of Dialogue program in Sosnowiec. After the meeting at school, the students guided the visitors around Jewish sites of their town. The meeting was especially touching as a member of the group from Australia, Mr. Joshua Pila, who was born in Sosnowiec and managed to escape from Sosnowiec ghetto during the war, completed the students’ narrative with stories of his childhood.

Saul Pannell’s and Sally Currier’s visit

May 2014

In May 2014, members of the Facing History and Ourselves delegation, Saul Pannell and Sally Currier visited Sosnowiec, where Mr. Pannell’s family once hailed from. They were hosted by School of Dialogue participants from Stanisław Staszic High School, who organized a walk to see Sosnowiec’s Jewish sites.  Later they met with Karolina and Piotr Jakoweńko, Leaders of Dialogue in Zagłębie and Sosnowiec area. Piotr and Karolina told our guests about their involvement in restoring the memory of Jewish community of Zagłębie area.