• Liderzy Dialogu

    Wspólnota w działaniu

News 2022

On March 21, 2022, the residents of Kutno, representatives of schools and local authorities met at the former building of the Kutno sugar factory to commemorate the Jews of Kutno. Behind the walls of the Konstancja sugar factory, 80 years ago, about 7,000 inhabitants of Kutno – men, women, and children – were imprisoned for almost two years in terrible conditions in the ghetto created by the Nazis. In March 1942, they were marched to the Kulmhof extermination camp and murdered there.

Jedidia Frejman, who lives in Jerusalem, spoke to the people gathered about the importance of memory in the Jewish tradition and its importance for creating the world of today and of the future. Bożena Gajewska, president of Friends of Kutno Region Society, member of the Leaders of Dialogue network, and the organizer of the ceremony noted: “This place, the Konstancja ghetto, is extremely important for our community because of its historical value, and important for remembering … the residents of Kutno.” For many years, there has been a plaque at the former factory commemorating the Holocaust of the Jews of Kutno. Now the Friends of the Kutno Region Society, in cooperation with local authorities, discuss ways of preserving the entire factory area to turn it into a memorial site serving the local community.

Photo: P. Pisarski and J. Szkarłat