Mariusz Czuj


Grants and scholarships for Leaders of Dialogue

Mariusz Czuj will receive a scholarship to cover the fee for participation in the graduate program “Polish-Jewish Studies” at the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as ELS courses. Mariusz, an activist, and vice-president of the Włodawa-Sobibór Gates of Memory Association teaches history in Włodawa.

He organizes educational projects raising awareness about Jewish history and culture involving local schools. He wants to develop his knowledge about Polish/Jewish relations and language skills in order to even better care about local Jewish memory and foster Polish/Jewish Dialogue.

In 2023, the Leaders of Dialogue program, including grants and scholarships, is financed thanks to the generosity of Friends of the Forum, LEDOR WADOR Foundation, United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad and individual donors and institutions from Poland and abroad supporting Forum for Dialogue. Scholarships for personal development are possible thanks to The David and Anna Dlugie Kliger Scholarship Fund.