• Liderzy Dialogu

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News 2022

At the beginning of April, a member of our Leaders of Dialogue network Małgorzata Andrychowicz from Grójec hosted special guests from the U.S. Jeff Mapen and his son Owen visited the town following the traces of Jeff’s grandfather, Moshe Meppen, who was born in Grójec in 1928. Moshe, after going through Warsaw ghetto, Białobrzegi ghetto, and camps in Germany, survived as the only person from the whole family.

Małgorzata guided Jeff and Owen around Jewish Grójec: place of the synagogue, the building of the kehilla, the exhibition of archival pictures of the town, and the cemetery. The meeting was special for the guests, because they found their family records in the local archive, and also for Małogrzata as it was a unique opportunity to hear the story of life and testimony of Moshe Mappen.

photo: fot. M. Andrychowicz i K. Malczewski