Ireneusz Socha


Ireneusz Socha - Leader of Dialogue in Dębica

On September 21, 2021, the Willa Wiluszówka Publishing House premiered an updated version of the Polish translation of “Sefer Dembic”, a book of memory of the Dębica Jewish community. All the materials were edited and cross-referenced with the English originals. The new issue includes a reworked footnotes, a glossary of Jewish terms, a name index, and an incredible photo gallery, which includes previously unpublished images. The book is an important historical and cultural artifact, significant not only for Dębica residents and regional historians, but for all students of Polish/Jewish relations.

Translation from English to Polish: Ireneusz Socha
Collation of the original text and the translation: Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska, Małgorzata Lipska
Copyediting: Ireneusz Socha, Monika Adamczyk-Garbowska
Editing support: Małgorzata Lipska
Cover design and typesetting: Piotr Jakoweńko
Footnotes, glossary, and index: Ireneusz Socha